Below is a list of the conferences I have attended. Events in italics are where I gave a talk.
Conferences I’ve Helped to Organise
- Mingle 2020 (September 2020, Bristol, UK - Online) [Talk]
- Annual postgraduate conference to welcome new mathematics students
Previous Conferences
- Flash Talks in Representation Theory (January 2021, NTNU, Norway - Online)
- Mathematics of Big Data: lessons from COVID-19 (December 2020 - Online)
- BYMAT 2020 (December 2020 - Online)
- ICRA 2020 (November 2020 - Online)
- LMS Autumn Algebra School (October 2020 - Online)
- Hausdorff Winter School - “Connections between representation theory and geometry” (October 2020 - Online)
- Categorifications in Representation Theory (September 2020, Leicester, UK - Online)
BLOC 87 (May 2020, Bristol, UK)Cancelled due to COVIDBLOC 86 (March 2020, Leicester, UK)Cancelled due to COVID